Create a Team

Creating a team is necessary if you want to share your results or view Scores and results of other people

For most people, becoming part of one or more teams is an exciting element of using TritonWear, whether it's to collaborate with coaches and/or recruiters or simply to add some competitive fun between friends. Creating a team allows you to share your results with coaches, teammates, or friends.

As an athlete, you have the option of joining an existing team or creating your own. There is no limit to how many teams you can create or join, and you have many options.

If you want to know how to create a team or subteams, read on. If you're looking for som direction for structuring your team on TritonWear, or why you should create more than on layer for your team check out Why team structure matters 

Creating a New Team

Go to your Teams section, and tap the Create New Team button at the top of the screen. This will open a pop-up where you'll enter the details required to create your first team. 


Note: the create a team button on the teams page will create a top-level team within a brand new organization structure, and you will be the overall Team Owner.

If you are looking to create a team or squad that is associated with an existing team, you'll want to Create a Sub Team, which you can do by clicking the plus sign under sub-teams on any team you are a coach or admin of. 

Please complete the fields with accuracy, and update if anything changes to ensure the feedback you get is tailored to your team as much as possible. Now that you have created a team, you may invite others to join your team and then assign them roles in the Members section.

Creating a sub-team within a team or organization

To create a team within an existing team structure, you must have an Admin or Coach role with the team above.

To create a sub-team click the add_circle under sub-teams, on the team card you want to nest your team within. You'll see the same create team pop-up, with all the information from the team above populated except for the name. Add a name for this subteam and confirm the completed fields are correct, then click Create Team to finalize this new subteam. Repeat this as often as necessary to create your desired structure. 
