Exploring your Team Hub

Your Team Hub is where you can see your teams, your teammates, and manage your teams.

Team Hub Elements

There are several different elements to your team hub: 

Teams Page: This is where you access all the teams you are a member of 

Team Admin Page: This is where you manage all teams within an organization, adding, removing and monitoring progress 

Members Page: This is where you see all members on a given team 

Activities Feed: This is where you see all workouts that were run as part of the team (workouts run for a different team, or as a solo swimmer will not display on this feed)

We'll explore each of these pages in detail, use the links above to skip to the section you want to learn about. 

Teams Page

After your initial registration, you will begin as a solo swimmer and have an empty Teams page as seen below. If you will be a coach start by creating our first team. If you'll be using TritonWear as a swimmer, await an invite from your team, or create your own team of peers at any time.  


Once you've created a team, been invited to a team, or accepted an invitation, you'll see each team listed on this page. Tablet-Teams-2

There are three versions of the Team Card, depending on your level of access for each team. 

Team Cards

Athlete Access: Athletes have the most limited access to a team:

  • Access Team Hub: click anywhere on the card to enter the team hub
  • Set Default Team: tap the heart icon in the upper right corner to set your default team

Coach Access: Coaches have the same access as athletes, plus:

  • Edit Team Details: tap the pencil icon edit pencil in the top right of the card to edit the team details
  • Manage Members: tap the pencil edit pencil under Members in the lower left of the card to add, remove or modify team member to and from a team
  • Add Sub-Teams: tap the plus symbol add below sub-teams to add a sub-team. 

Admin Access: anyone designated as a team admin has the same access as a coach, plus: 

  • Manage team: tap the admin icon in the middle bottom of the card to add, remove or explore all teams at any level below the card it's clicked on.

There is one more version of a card you will see, and that is an open invitation. This card will always be first in your list of teams, to ensure you see it and accept or decline the invitation. 

Team Invite

Team Admin Page

As an admin, you will have access to a high-level view of all teams within your organization. Here you can see how they are nested among one another, and manage them in a centralized way. 


As with the team cards on the team's hub, there are several actions you can take with these team cards, including: 

  • Delete a team: tap the delete_forever at the top of a team card to permanently delete the team. This will remove all members from the team and delete it from your organization. This cannot be undone. 
  • Set your favourite: tap the favourite at the top of any card to set the team as your favourite. This sets the team that loads when you visit your home page in the app on any device. 
  • Edit Team Details: tap the pencil icon edit pencil in the top right of the card to edit the team details
  • Manage Members: tap the pencil edit pencil under Members in the lower left of the card to add, remove or modify team member to and from a team
  • Add Sub-Teams: tap the plus symbol add below subteams to add a subteam. 

You can also monitor the overall average Triton Scores for each team in your organization. Use this to see who is excelling and which squads might need a bit more attention.  

Members Page

Once you enter the team hub you can tap on the Members tab to see all members of any team you are part of. Based on your access level and each member's privacy settings, you may see their latest Triton Score and be able to edit members.



At the very top where you see your Team Name, you can click the drop-down and access any other team you have access to, rather than going back to your Teams section to choose another. 

In the upper left of the Members page there are a set of labels that act as tabs: Athletes - Coaches - Admins - Support - Pending. Tap or click any of these labels to see the members with that access on the team. Anyone can access all of these labels. 

File (14)-1

Below these labels is a dropdown that lets you sort team members to see what's important to you first. Members with private Triton Scores or scores older than 2 weeks will be listed first in the lowest score sort order. Newest/Oldest first refers to the order in which members joined the team.

  Group 517


If you have Coach or Admin access to the team, you will see the pencil icon EDIT-1 next to the dropdown, this is how you edit team members. You must select the type of member from the list across the top, then tap the pencil in order to edit members within each access level. 

There are several versions of the member cards you may see, as shown below: 


Pending: Any member who has not yet accepted an invitation to a team will have a yellow Pending tag on their card. Use this to follow up with swimmers to get them set up correctly on your team. 

No Score: Members with their privacy set to "coach only" will display without any Triton Score to other athlete members. 

Group 518

Missing Score: Any member whose last Triton Score is older than 14 days, or who has never had one, will see this where the Triton Score should be. 

missing RPE Missing workout rating: Any members who are expected to rate workouts but whose most recent workout hasn't been rated yet, will see this symbol in place of their Triton Score. Use this to follow up with the swimmers to rate workouts asap. 

low score alertLow Score Alert: Members whose latest Triton Score is < 65 will have a red circle. Use this to find athletes who need attention first, as scores below 65 indicate the workout was far outside their typical for any or all of load, execution, or intensity. 

Group 519-1Everyone Else: Any member with a Triton Score of 65 or greater will have this score circle on their member card. Scores between 65-75 are still not improving, so follow up. Scores > 75 indicate the training was better than usual.   

Finally, on this page, if you have Coach or Admin access to the team, at the end of all member cards you'll see an Add Member section. You can tap on this to add a new member to each of the access levels. You cannot, as an example, add an athlete from the coaches tab, you have to add an athlete from the Athletes section and a coach from the coaches section.  

add member


The team activities feed will show you activities run for that team specifically, not all activities for athletes on the team.   

Once again, you can move between your teams using the dropdown next to (or below on mobile) the team name in the upper left corner, or you can go back to your Teams page to select a different team. 

The Calendar calendar_today icon allows you to filter the activity feed for only workouts recorded on a specific day. The calendar dates displayed next to the calendar icon are not functional, they simply show you the current and previous dates. 

If you have a day filter enabled, you will see that date and the number of workouts from that date above the first activity card in your feed. 

On occasion, workouts may display on the preceding or following day from when they actually swam. This is a known issue related to time zones and will be corrected shortly.


There are two different versions of the activities card you may see:

Individual Activity Card: 

  • The icon will indicate what type of activity it was (swimming, running, dryland, etc.) 
  • The day and time will display to let you know when this activity took place 
  • The blue button in the upper right opens this workout's summary and details page  
  • The workout Triton Score, summary details, stroke distribution and zone breakdown
  • Only sessions tracked using a Triton unit will have a Focus Score, any manually recorded workouts, including swimming, will only display a Readiness and Intensity Score
  • If Heart Rate was tracked for a workout you will also see your average, min and max heart rate for the workout


Team Activity Card: 

  • The icon will represent the type of workout and the title on the card will indicate how many swimmers were part of the activity. If Heart Rate was tracked for any athlete in a team activity the icon will reflect this. 
  • The day and time will display to let you know when this activity took place 
  • The blue button in the upper right will open the participant pop-up. This will list the swimmers and highlight those who have not yet rated the workout. Select any swimmer to access their workout summary and details. 
  • The Triton Score, summary details and stroke distribution are an average for all swimmers in this session
  • If Workout Rating is expected, you'll see the Triton Score only after at least 1 swimmer rates their workout. Until all swimmers for whom Workout Rating is expected have entered it, there will be a number showing how many participants have not yet entered theirs.
