How to end a workout to ensure data is transferred to an athlete's profile quickly and correctly.
Ending a Live Activity
To end a Live Activity on the TritonWear app, there are 2 simple steps. The experience is the same on tablet or mobile.
Best Practice Alert: Any data remaining on a unit after you hit the Finish button seen below is at risk of being lost if we cannot connect to that unit. To ensure all of your data is saved for every workout, please wait for the light on each Triton Unit to return to green before hitting finish.
If any of your units are stuck, please force close and re-open the app to enter workout recovery.
Step 1: Click the Finish button
located next to workout time.
WARNING: Do not use the stop button from the individual view, this only ends the connection between the unit and app for that user. It does not end the workout.
Once you stop the workout, any data remaining on the units will continue to transfer, and you'll have the opportunity to confirm your planned intensity didn't change mid-workout. If nothing changed from the plan, simply hit confirm and move on. If you adjusted the workout because the athletes weren't looking quite right, choose the new inputs and hit confirm to save them.
With your planned intensity confirmed, you'll be able to see the status of each athlete's progress on their card in the app like this:
There are several card states you may encounter:
- Retrieving metrics - the unit light is still yellow and data is actively flowing into the app.
- Ending Workout - All data has been retrieved and the app is wrapping up, the unit light is green.
- Workout complete - The workout is finished and ready for the session to end.
When the workout ends, if any units still have a yellow or green light, just turn them off and they'll be ready for your next session.
Step 2: Tap finish to wrap up your entire session.
Once all athlete tiles show Workout Complete, you'll see the screen below with a note about how long it takes to sync workouts so other devices can see it after you hit finish.
You MUST hit the finish button here or the session is not actually complete.
When you finish wrapping up your session, you will automatically land back into your Feed. If you are connected to the internet, the Live Activity will begin syncing. Next, you can view the Team Triton Score, stroke distribution, and participants or merge your workouts.
If you don't have access to the internet, don't worry; the workout will be saved to your tablet for the time being and sync later when it has a connection.
Note: We highly recommend syncing your app as often as possible, ideally every day. This will save space on your tablet and allow athletes to access their workout data right away.
Leaving a Workout Early
If a swimmer on your team has to end their workout early, first check to see the light on their unit.
- If the light is green, you can ignore the app's error message; the data will transfer properly.
- However, if the light on the unit is yellow, the connection between the unit and the tablet is frozen, and it needs to be reset. It's vital NOT to turn the unit off until this data has been retrieved, as this will lose any data that has not yet been transferred. To reset the connection, either hold the unit underwater for 3 minutes or have the athlete take the unit with them to the change room while they change and then return on deck before leaving. Check the app and unit light again; the athlete card should finish up, and you should see the unit light turn green. If it does not, you may need to force close and reopen the app to get it to reconnect. Do not worry, this will not affect the remainder of your athletes.