How Readiness Score is calculated

Readiness is TritonWear's load monitoring tool, based on years of established sports science.

To be primed to perform, an athlete's body needs to incur an ideal amount of stress. This stress comes from both internal factors like sleep, nutrition and life, as well as external factors like volume, frequency, and intensity of workouts.  The key to balancing this stress is ensuring the load, measured from those internal and external factors, doesn't fluctuate too much week to week. Tritonwear's A.I. learns how an athlete usually trains and combines workout ratings, which the swimmers enter, with volume and intensity of tracked workouts to calculate an athlete's load and recommend how to stay in that sweet spot.

What exactly is being calculated

TritonWear's models are built on the concept, well established in sports science, of ACWR (Acute to Chronic Workload Ratio).

In a nutshell, ACWR is a stress score for training balance based on the fitness and fatigue model. It looks at weekly and monthly loads to determine if the athlete's weekly load remains within their typical training load range, based on their overall monthly load.


ACWR calculation


For those who are curious, the fitness and fatigue model states that causing an athlete to be fatigued in the short term ultimately results in achieving long-term fitness.

The key is to remain between 0.8 to 1.3. Load changes that are too big or frequent affect how resilient your body is. When you achieve this optimal training load, it means the athlete is consistently training at an intensity that is at least 80% and no more than 130% of what their body is typically used to.

ACWR takes some time to calculate properly, so at first Readiness scores are based solely on distance. After a week, more accurate score will result from incorporating both ACWR and workout ratings. Finally, 28 days after activity begins on TritonWear (or begins again in the event of a training break), the full ACWR profile is complete and Readiness is ready for use.

How this works on TritonWear

After every workout, TritonWear generates a Readiness Score indicating how close to the optimal training load the athlete is, with 100 being ideal and anything over 90 being in the safe zone. It will also explicitly warn against over or under training through training Status, and provide all the details needed for planning upcoming workouts.