Understanding Skills

Gain insights into your team's skill development. Ensure you balance stroke distribution week to week and that athletes are improving the skills that will move the needle fastest.

TritonWear weekly reports skills insights

Stroke Breakdown

In the stroke breakdown section, you'll see the percentage of volume your team spent on butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, freestyle and kick last week. A pie chart makes it easy to see which strokes received more focus and which may require more attention. Use this to check if your athletes are meeting their targeted workload for each stroke, including kick, or if you need to adjust your plan to keep things on track.

Workout type

Best and Worst Metric

Right under the breakdown of each swimming stroke, we've got the most and least improved metrics for each stroke. This will help you see where your team shines and where they could use some help. Knowing your swimmers' strengths and weaknesses will help you plan training sessions that target those areas.

Worst and best skill

Detailed Skill Metrics Breakdown

Last but not least, the skill drill down highlights athlete performance across all 21 skill metrics each week. It's separated into three phases: underwater, overwater, and transitions (turns), and shows how your swimmers did last week against how they typically do. 

What does blue mean: Metrics highlighted in blue (score 75 and above) indicate skills where athletes improved last week compared to their own averages. This allows you to celebrate progress and reinforce positive behaviours.

What does red mean: Metrics highlighted in red (score below 75) signal areas where athletes may need to focus their efforts to enhance performance. By identifying these areas you can tailor training to address specific skill deficiencies and help swimmers reach their full potential.

What do the percentages mean? The percentage below each score associated with each metric indicates the degree of improvement or regression. 

Skill drilldown

🤓Remember that context is key when looking at data. These reports offer you feedback on last week's practices, so your skills will reflect the type of training you did that week. For example, if your focus was going long underwater and you experienced a drop in speed underwater then that's perfectly normal.

How to Use Diagnostic and Weekly Reports Together?

Diagnostic reports offer a comparative analysis of your athletes in relation to other swimmers of similar speed, height, and gender. As the name suggests, they diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of the program and highlight the fastest path to improvement. Use diagnostic reports to identify the 2-3 most important metrics (your lowest-hanging fruits), and work with your swimmers to set SMART goals.

Once that is done, consider the sets and workouts you want to implement in the next few weeks to target these areas for improvement.

Weekly reports and skills insights will offer a unique feedback loop into what is working and what is not. By comparing athletes' performance against their own averages, you can assess whether the work done in training is making a difference. By combining both diagnostic and weekly reports, you can effectively set goals and track athlete progress.