Everything you need to know to successfully record a live workout at the pool is here. We got you!
🤓To start a workout, you’ll need a compatible device (iPad or phone—iOS or Android), the TritonWear app installed and Bluetooth enabled, your Triton unit(s) fully charged, and any Polar Verity Sense heart rate monitors you plan to use. With these ready, you’re good to go!
Getting started with TritonWear is quick and easy when you know the steps. Whether you’re a coach running a group session or a swimmer tracking your performance, this guide has you covered. Follow the steps below, or jump straight to the section you need:
Starting a Workout as a Coach
Pro Tips to Running a Smooth Workout
Before hitting start, make sure everything is good to go:
- Minimize Bluetooth Clutter: Disconnect unnecessary devices like headphones, speakers, or smartwatches to avoid interference.
- Update & Restart: If you've made changes in your app but don't see them during a workout, check your internet connection and log out and back in to refresh the sync and apply updates.
- Stay in the App: Avoid backgrounding the app during workouts, as it can interrupt connections.
Step 1: Set Up Your Workout
- Open the App: Launch the TritonWear app on your iPad with Bluetooth enabled and tap the play button. If Bluetooth is not enabled, you will see this warning:
2. Choose Pool Length and Role:
- Select the correct pool length—it determines how metrics are calculated.
- And set your role as coach then hit next.
📝Note: Custom pool lengths must be between 15 and 100 meters (16.4 to 109.3 yards), and laps with fewer than 4 strokes may not yield any metrics.
⚠️Choosing the right pool length is essential because it impacts the calculation of your workout metrics. If you select an incorrect length, you won’t be able to change it later, which will lead to inaccurate metric values.
🤓Athlete team members can only start a workout for themselves, even if they select 'Coach' in this step. Only a Coach or Admin can start a group workout by selecting 'Coach' here.
3. Select Your Team or Group:
Select the team or group associated with the workout. This will ensure it’s saved to their feed after practice. Then, hit next.
4. Set Planned Intensity
Choose a training focus and adjust Volume and Rest using the sliders. The app will alert you if your settings exceed the recommended ranges.
👉 You can learn more about how to set your planned intensity here.
Step 3: Select Athletes
1. Check the Boxes:
Verify that the units are turned on and close to the iPad during connection. Then, select each athlete you'd like to include by tapping the checkbox or choosing "Select all."
🤓 The optimal number of swimmers per iPad is 9 for efficient data collection. While it's possible to track more swimmers, adding participants may slightly delay incoming data.
2. Firmware Updates:
- Athletes whose units require a firmware update will appear under an “Update Required” heading.
- If you have a stable internet connection, tap
these units before starting.
- If you choose not to update, you won’t be able to include these units in the session.
Note: You cannot update a unit on the same device where a workout is active.
3. Unavailable Units:
Below the athlete list, you may see units categorized as unavailable. Here’s what the headings mean:
- In Use by You: The unit is already part of another workout on this device.
- In Use by Others: The unit is currently part of a workout on another device.
- No Access: The unit is not associated with the selected team.
- Unknown: The app doesn’t recognize the unit.
4. Heart Rate Monitors (Optional):
If you're using Polar Verity Sense heart rate monitors, turn them on and bring them near the TritonWear units. Use the toggle on each athlete's card to connect the monitors to their units and link or lend them to swimmers as needed.
⚠️ Important: Heart rate monitors must be paired with your account in the app settings before they can be used during a workout.
- If a monitor was linked to an athlete in a previous workout and is within range, the toggle on their card will activate (turn blue), and the monitor will connect automatically when the workout begins.
- For unlinked paired Heart Rate devices, tap the toggle next to the athlete’s name and choose the heart rate monitor you want to use. Repeat this step for each swimmer.
👉Want to learn more about link vs lend? Check out this tutorial here.
Step 4: Start the Workout
- Start Workout: Click the Start Workout button. The play button will turn into a pulsing record button, and each athlete's tiles will appear immediately.
- Connection Stages: The tiles will go through different stages as each unit connects. Once connected, the unit light will turn green, and the tile will display "Start Swimming."
⚠️Do not start swimming until you see the "Start Swimming" state, as the unit cannot fully connect to the app while athletes swim.
📝If using a heart rate monitor, be aware that the connection process may take longer.
The athlete card will stay on Start Swimming until the first lap is recorded, after which it will switch to the regular card and continue to show live data as it comes in after each lap and rep.
Add Latecomers Easily (Coaches): You can add athletes mid-workout by clicking the add swimmer iconand ensuring their units are powered on.
Quick Fix: "Hmm, this unit needs your help."
If you see this message, it means one of your units isn’t ready to go. The app tried five times to connect it, but it’s still stuck. No problem—try these steps:
- Turn the unit off.
- Wait a few seconds, then turn it back on.
- Tap Retry in the app.
If it still doesn’t work, you can remove the unit from the workout and continue with the rest of the group.
Want more?
Learn how to change the metrics on your tiles for a more immersive live activity experience.
Starting a Workout as a Swimmer
If you’re a swimmer tracking your performance, here’s how to get started:
Pro Tips for Smooth Wokrouts
- Log In Early: Log in to a place with reliable internet access. Once logged in, the app stays ready to go—even if poolside Wi-Fi is spotty.
- Update & Restart: If you've made changes in your app but don't see them during a workout, try logging out and back in to refresh the sync and apply updates.
Keep Your Phone Poolside: Once your phone connects to your Triton unit, make sure to keep it on deck—like in your backpack—rather than in the change room or locker, as it won’t retain the Bluetooth connection if it’s too far away.
Step 2: Set Up Your Workout
- Open the App: Launch TritonWear on your phone with Bluetooth enabled and tap the play button. If Bluetooth is not enabled, you will see this warning.
- Choose Pool Length and Role:
- Select the correct pool length—it determines how metrics are calculated.
- Set your role as a swimmer to track your individual performance.
📝Note: Custom pool lengths must be between 15 and 100 meters (16.4 to 109.3 yards), and laps with fewer than 4 strokes may not yield any metrics.
⚠️Choosing the right pool length is essential because it impacts the calculation of your workout metrics. If you select an incorrect length, you won’t be able to change it later, which will lead to inaccurate metric values.
3. Assign a Team (Optional):
Next, select the team you want to associate this workout with and tap next. Otherwise, it will be saved to your personal feed.
The chosen team will determine where to find the workout after it concludes. It will be accessible only from that team's Feed and your personal Feed.
- If you are not a part of any teams, this step will be skipped
- If you are only on a single team, it will be selected by default, and you can skip setting it if you choose to run the workout unattached.
4. Set Planned Intensity
Choose a training focus and adjust Volume and Rest using the sliders. The app will alert you if your settings exceed the recommended ranges.
👉 You can learn more about how to set your planned intensity here.
5. Select Athlete
The final step is to confirm the selected athlete. Turn your unit on and keep it close to the phone. The phone will scan for the unit and your athlete card will be automatically selected for you. Hit start a workout to connect to your Triton unit.

If your unit requires an update, it will appear under "update required."
If you have a stable internet connection, you can tap to update it on the spot before starting the workout. If you choose not to, you will not be able to start the workout.
If your tile shows as Unavailable, it will be listed under one of 4 distinct reasons:
- In Use by You: This unit is already part of a workout on this device
- In Use by Others: this unit is actively part of a workout on another device
- No Access: this unit is not associated with the team selected to run this workout
- Unknown: we don't recognize this device
6. Connect Your Heart Rate Monitor (Optional):
To use a Polar Verity Sense heart rate monitor, turn it on and place it near your Triton unit. Use the toggle on your athlete card to connect and link or lend the HR monitor as needed.
⚠️ Important: Before using a heart rate monitor during a workout, you must pair it with your account in the app settings.
If your heart rate monitor is already linked and within range, the toggle on your card will light up blue, and the devices will connect when the workout starts. Tap the toggle on your athlete card for unlinked paired heart rate devices and select the device to link or lend.
With all desired settings in place, hit Start Workout.
After pressing Start Workout, the play button will change to a pulsing record button and tiles will immediately appear. As your unit connects the tile will move through several states, and once connected the unit light will turn green and the card will say Start Swimming. This is when you know it's time to start swimming.
The athlete card will stay on Start Swimming until the first lap is recorded, after which it will switch to the regular card and continue to show live data after each lap and rep.
Quick Fix: "Hmm, this unit needs your help."
If you see this message, it means your unit isn’t ready to go. The app tried five times to connect it, but it’s still stuck. No problem—try these steps:
- Turn the unit off.
- Wait a few seconds, then turn it back on.
- Tap Retry in the app.
Want more? Learn how to change the metrics on your tiles for a more immersive live activity experience.